Rainbow Challenge logo

Rainbow Challenge logo

What is The Rainbow Challenge?

The Rainbow Challenge is a voluntary community service project in North-Eastern India by three Scout Groups from Dublin, Ireland:

- The 35th Dublin, Donore Avenue
- The 127th Dublin , Drumcondra
- The 5th Port Dublin, Dollymount

The project aims to support eductation for poor children in India. The Rainbow Troop of 18 male and female Scouts from Dublin will spend 3 weeks in India from December 20th to January 11th providing teaching assistance and introducing Scout Programme to the Loreto Sealdah School in Kolkata and building a school at Laitkor, Meghalaya.

In addition, The Rainbow Fund aims to provide long-term financial support to this cause. You can donate to The Rainbow Fund by contacting John Lawlor at jlawlor@scout.org.

Keep an eye on the progress of the Rainbow Troop during their adventures in India by logging on to rainbow-challenge.blogspot.com.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Rathlin Road, Friday, December 19th, 8pm:

I still haven't packed a sock. Spent the last couple of hours buzzing about like a blue-arsed fly distributing various pieces of Group equipment for people to carry. Today has been crazy, especially for myself and Ken. Right now I'm just looking forward to settling into my seat on the big BA Jumbo from London to Kolkata in the safe knowledge that everything is in order, on schedule and that we haven't left anything of any great significance behind us.

It has take an enormous effort to get us to where we are now. Tonight as 18 people embark on the adventure of a lifetime, I think of those who helped get us here. People like Marie Therese O'Higgins, Michael Donlon, my mother Nora Lawlor, John Alexander, Sister Cyril, Fr Seán McArdle, Fr Liam Lacey everyone who donated money, everyone who gave us practical support with fundraising events and in our planning and everyone else who have unfortunately escaped my mind at time of writing.

This has been a massive journey for me personally. I have learned so much from this and having the support and encouragement throughout of people like Ken, Catherine and Glenn has been my lifelblood. I hope I will not let them down. We'll do our best. I better go pack that sock.

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